There’s always that internal voice that tells you of your behavior. Often, we remember all the bad things we’ve done, leaving us with a guilty conscience. Oh, come on. I know I’m not the only one haunted by some bad memories.
If you have a clear conscience, it may be a sign that you have a bad memory. Perhaps your mind is going entirely.
Of course, there’s always the saying, “My conscience is clean; I have never used it.” That’s quite a scary thought, though. If your conscience has never been used, you have no sense of right and wrong. You’re bound to do anything and everything without a second thought about it.
Did ya ever stop to think … and then forget to start again?
Knowing right from wrong is important, but we cannot allow guilt to stand in our way. Guilt does not change the past, and it does not make the future better. We simply have to accept what has been done and move forward.
Anthony de Mello once said, “When you are guilty, it’s not your sins you hate, but yourself.”
It’s Time to Let Go of Guilt
Guilt: the gift that keeps on giving.
Guilt is one of those things that can live with you forever if you allow it to. All it takes is one wrong decision or bad move, and it takes up residence inside your brain. When you least expect it, that guilt can suddenly make an appearance. It can be crippling, and that’s just not healthy.
Guilt can affect relationships, lead to sleepless nights, and add stress to your daily life.
It’s safe to say that no one needs more reasons to stress, right?
So, it’s time to pull an Elsa (you know, let it gooooooo!) and get on with your life.
Not sure you’re holding onto any guilt? Well, you’ve either been living the life of a saint, or your memory is going. I’ve heard ginkgo biloba is a great vitamin to help with your memory. Though, if you suddenly start remembering reasons to feel guilty, don’t look at me.
I’ve Got It All Together; I Just Forgot Where I Put It
People who have done you wrong will always think your posts are about them.
Have you noticed that you can post whatever you want, and people will comment about it as though you were speaking to them? Any random meme and people will take it personally.
One comment from someone who has wronged you is enough to set you off, isn’t it? And you may even be tempted to call them out on it. Don’t let their guilt ruin a good day.
My favorite childhood memory is building sand castles with my grandfather until my mother took the urn from me.
It’s easy to get it all together. You just have to remember that you have it all together. Otherwise, all it will take is one off-handed comment from someone at work, a stranger on the street, or a random person on social media to send it all unraveling.
You deserve to have it all together. We all do.
Here are some tips to help you maintain a clear conscience (without feeling as though you’re losing your memory):
- Take responsibility for your actions
- Seek forgiveness
- Think before acting
- Live a wholesome life
We’re going to make mistakes from time to time. What’s important is that we make more good decisions than bad ones. When we do make mistakes, we have to take responsibility for them and apologize. In some instances, we may even need to make restitution.
Here’s another tip: the housing market is a mess, which is why we have to make sure that we make good decisions about where we live. Buying is always better than renting. Unfortunately, many homes throughout Sherman Country are beyond expensive because of inflated prices. That’s where a pole barn can make a big difference.
Create Beautiful Memories Every Day
Life is short. And you never know when your memory is going to go, so it’s best to get in the habit of creating beautiful memories every day. Let your conscience guide you toward what is right rather than dealing with the guilt of doing something wrong.
I finally remember what I need in the kitchen, but I forgot what I needed it for?
You might also want to take photos of your beautiful memories. Journal them. That way, when your memory does go, you have something to look back on.
Some of your most incredible memories will be impossible to forget. You know, like the time you chose to build a barndominium. You can look around and enjoy your residential property knowing that it is unique. When everyone else was building cookie-cutter homes in subdivisions, you thought outside the box.
And you most certainly don’t have guilt about building a barndominium, do you? Of course not. Not only is it the perfect home because you got to customize every aspect, but it’s also considerably more efficient. If you’re not able to talk about the memories of a barndominium yet, now’s the time to start building. A pole barn has many uses, and when it becomes a residential property, it’s a great way to have a home that is sturdy, dependable, and fully customized.
At Sherman Pole Buildings, we’re in the habit of keeping a clear conscience. We know that we can help everyone build amazing memories. And while our memory hasn’t left us yet, there’s always the possibility that it will one day. At least we’ll have a home that we love when that time comes. It’s what allows us to relive our favorite memories over and over again. My favorite childhood memory is building sandcastles with my grandfather. That is until my mother took the urn from me.
On that note, we’ll leave you to determine how clear your conscience is. If you’re ready to let go of guilt and build memories that will show you’ve made better decisions moving forward, contact us at Sherman Pole Buildings. We’ll see to it that you get the pole barn of your dreams in Sherman Country.