They say that we’re supposed to learn from our mistakes. Where’s the fun in that, though? Making mistakes can be so much fun. It does depend on the mistake.

As kids, we learn from our mistakes.

Don’t touch a hot stove.

Don’t stick your finger in the electrical outlet.

Don’t eat yellow snow.

If you’re still making those mistakes, I don’t know what to tell you.

Jim Morrison once said, “Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts.” Yep, those are definitely the kinds of mistakes you only want to make once. Been there, done that.

I got myself into this, and I’ll get myself even deeper into this.

Mistakes add to your ability to story tell. When you’re old and gray, do you want to sit around in Sherman Country and talk about all the times you were responsible? Of course not. The more entertaining stories involve being a complete dumbass.

I asked my wife to embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug. See? Even she knows that it’s possible to love mistakes again and again. That’s a good thing for me, huh?

When I was young, I did stupid things because I didn’t know any better. Now, I know better and do stupid things because I miss being young. There’s a difference. Just because I’m older doesn’t mean that I don’t want to make stupid mistakes. They can be fun. Sometimes they hurt, but they’re still fun. And I usually have a group of friends willing to be stupid with me. Ahh, friendship.



Oops, That Was a Mistake

A guy I know got fired from an M&M factory for throwing out all the Ws.

Some mistakes are obvious. We own them instantly.

The guy at the M&M factory may have been dealt with a hard blow of reality, but it’s certainly not a mistake that he’ll make again. Well, unless he ends up looking for a birthday card for his mom and complains that all of them have been misprinted because they read “wow.” At that point, you just have to abandon him as a lost cause.

I tried to start a professional hide and seek team, but it didn’t work out. Turns out, good players are hard to find.

For the majority of us, we make a mistake, realize it, and file it away deep within our brain to ensure that we don’t make it again. It’s how we truly learn.

It’s also kind of funny that we have to learn from our own mistakes. If someone else makes a mistake, we don’t learn from them. We have to go and do the same stupid thing for us to have that “a ha!” moment. Otherwise, we just assume that the other guy was an idiot and that we could have done it better. I’ll be honest. I’m speaking from experience here.


Some Mistakes Build Character

I wanted my kids to watch the orchestra, but I had to turn it off. Too much sax and violins.

It’s actually good to make mistakes in life because it means that we’re willing to try new things. We find out what works and what doesn’t work. Except no one calls it “make mistakes and find out.” We attach fancier names like “trial and error” or “testing a hypothesis.”

Milton Hershey made countless mistakes when he was launching his chocolate business. But now, we hand out his candy every Halloween. Hell, he even has a theme park named after him. I’d say that his mistakes paid off.

If you can stay calm while all around you is chaos, then you probably haven’t completely understood the situation.

The same thing can be said about Henry Ford’s work with automobiles. Luckily, he learned from his mistakes so that we could go on to enjoy the Mustang and a few other great Ford models.

You think the guys working on car engines and determining how much horsepower is too much stopped after they made a mistake? Hell no! They were having too much fun. They threw caution to the wind and kept going. If they got hurt, so what. They kept going.

It’s kinda like NASCAR. Those drivers get into wrecks on an almost weekly basis. But the sport is fun. So, they’ll climb into their stock car again and again because they don’t care. And we thank them for it because we enjoy watching the speed, the left turns, and, well, if we’re really speaking our minds here, the wreckage.

So, thank you chocolatiers for making the mistakes.

And the car manufacturers.

And the NASCAR drivers.

Thanks to your mistakes, we learned that we, too, can make them over and over again as long as we’re having fun and we’re not hurting anyone.


Learn From Your Mistakes

Some mistakes you learn from. Some mistakes you make over and over again because they’re fun to make.

If you want a garage, you get one from Sherman Pole Buildings. Failure to do so is a mistake you’ll learn from.

If you want to have some fun and date a woman who you know is trouble, it’s a mistake you’ll keep making. The proof is the number of country songs out there that involve making a mistake with a beautiful woman.

You should live life to the fullest. Make mistakes. Enjoy your time on this earth. Buy toys that allow you to play in the dirt but remember to store them in the garage.

Learn from your mistakes and learn what mistakes can be repeated without it having a negative impact on your life. After all, some mistakes will just hurt your heart. Just don’t build up a criminal record with your mistakes.

“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.” ― Rita Mae Brown

Elbert Hubbard once said, “The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.”

Being afraid of living isn’t truly living. You’ll end up with a life full of regret. There’s simply no room for that in Sherman Country.

Embrace quality erections. In fact, get one of your own. Okay, let us rephrase. We have the best quality erections and can’t wait to share them with you.

Okay, that was a mistake. We see that now.

Our quality erections come in the form of garages, she sheds, and more. When you’re ready to explore how our 40+ years of craftsmanship can benefit you, contact us so that we can build something great for you.
