We live in a crazy world. Robots are behind the wheels of cars now, politicians are name-calling one another, and the possibility of maintaining sanity flew out the window a while ago. I don’t know about you, but my mind needs a rest from it all periodically. If only there were a pause button for all of the craziness.

“Sometimes it’s the crazy people who turn out to be not so crazy.” – Kevin Spacey

He’s right about that, too. Most people who sound crazy are actually just paying closer attention to what’s going on than the rest of us. It’s only when we slow down and pay attention to reality that we realize that they may have a point.

It’s kind of like that movie that came out almost two decades ago – Idiocracy. Everyone thought it was completely insane. People said that such things could never happen. Society would never become that stupid or that self-reliant on machines. Hmmm. Look around. It turns out that it’s happening.

“Crazy people don’t sit around wondering if they’re nuts.” – Jake Gyllenhaal

They sure don’t. Instead, they’re among us. And you may not even know if you’re talking to a crazy person because everything about life is so insane right now.



I Don’t Know What Your Problem Is…

Your problem is something that’s hard to pronounce, I bet. Have you ever noticed that? You finally get up the nerve to confront someone about their problem so that you can bring some self-awareness to them. Then, they get into a huff about how they have a “real condition” and how you’re being rude by talking to them about it.

Okay, sure. We’re the crazy ones.

It would be a lot easier if people simply walked around wearing t-shirts telling us what their trigger points were, what their problems were, and what we needed to do to avoid setting them off.

So apparently RSVP’ing back to a wedding invite ‘maybe next time’ isn’t the correct response.

There’s a reason why the “I’m with Stupid” t-shirts have been so popular. At least then, when you see someone wearing them, you can have a bit more info to work with. And here’s an extra tip: the person wearing that shirt AND the person it’s pointing to should be side-stepped. It’s better to err on the side of caution.

By the way, if life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic.

You have to work with lemons. That’s the only way to get lemonade. Though, if life is a bit too crazy, I might suggest adding some vodka and turning it into a lemon drop martini. It’s tastier, and you’ll find that life isn’t so crazy after one or two of those.

When you’re interacting with everyone, it’s best to assume that everyone around you is crazy. You might be crazy, too, but everyone else is definitely losing it. They may have even lost it.

Grandma’s been staring through the window ever since it started to snow. If it gets any worse I’ll have to let her in.

Now, I don’t know what your problem is, but a barndo may be able to fix it. It’s kind of the prescription that we like to prescribe to people around here.

Struggling with where to park your vehicles? Let us build you a garage.

Family driving you crazy? Let us build you a man cave to get away from them.

Running out of storage for your toys? You guessed it. We’ll build you a pole barn for you to store everything.


Normal People Scare Me

Some people claim they’re normal. Those are the people who scare me the most. “Normal” is a setting on a washing machine, not a way to describe your sanity.

There are also plenty of people who sing “Born in the USA.” Everyone knows that the lyrics are “Barn in the USA.” Right? RIGHT? Oh, well, here at Sherman Pole Buildings, we take a bit of artistic license with some things. We sing it at the top of our lungs around the office whenever it comes on the radio. It’s fun. It gives us a chance to release some stress.

Shock me, say something intelligent.

We take anything we can get. You should hear some of the crazy requests we get sometimes. It turns out that our “Quality Erections” billboards can result in a few confused individuals. We don’t mind them, though. It makes us laugh, and it reminds us that we really are the sane ones.


Don’t Let Anyone Dull Your Sparkle

It’s about time you embrace your inner weirdo, don’t you think?

So many people have a boring garage where they park their cars, trucks, tractors, and other equipment. You might have one as well, but that doesn’t mean that you’ve actually got the room to park everything you own.

We are barn in the USA, and we happen to love to show off our inner weirdness with the steel buildings we create. It’s a chance to be a bit different. You can stand out with a barndo on your property. And if you REALLY want to stand out, we’re happy to get a bit weird with the designs.

I’ll tell you what, though. There’s nothing weird about wanting quality craftsmanship and sturdiness that will stand against all of the elements.

It’s why so many people in Sherman Country call us for their barndos, garages, she sheds, and more. They’d be crazy not to.

I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane.

If you’re like us, you’re tired of spending more than what you can afford. I’m currently boycotting any company that sells items I can’t afford. You won’t have to boycott us because we offer affordable solutions. The best part is that we’ll work with you to customize your barndo. Tell us the size you want, the features you need, and we’ll work up a custom quote just for you.

Don’t assume you’re going crazy if you see someone drive into a pole barn. They have probably gotten one from us and are using it as a garage. And hey, you can be sure that you don’t let your sparkle dull by calling us so that you can get one, too. We promise not to make the process any weirder than it has to be!
