It has been said on more than one occasion that we’ve all got a little freak in us. John Huges once said, “We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that’s all.”
For me, I’m more of a control freak than anything else. I don’t hide it. I’ve tried. But it comes out no matter what.
Wanna hear a joke about a control freak? Yes, you do.
Find People Who Match Your Freak
“Freaks are the much-needed escape from the humdrum. They are poetry.” – Albert Perry
There are people who march to the beat of a different drum – and those are the people who make life interesting. Believe it or not, there are some who may think that you march to a different drum beat, too. Don’t let the haters hate. It just means that you need to find your tribe. Those who match your freak.
It’s like the scene in Step Brothers where John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell count to three to name a few of their favorite things, including their favorite dinosaur. After repeatedly getting the same answer, there’s the infamous exclamation: “Did we just become best friends?”
When you’re a control freak like me, I need people who match my freak in a way that allows me to be controlling without being loathed. Some people can’t handle the level of control that I like to exert on the world.
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” –Mark Twain
If people say things like “Chill” or “I can make my own decisions,” they are clearly not the kind of people I want to surround myself with. I don’t need that kind of negativity.
Instead, I need the people who appreciate my control. I want to find the freaks out there who beg for me to teach them the RIGHT way to do everything in their lives. Trust me, I have an opinion on how you’re doing things, and I’d like to make sure you’re doing it my way…I mean, umm, the right way.
I like to say that I was barn in the USA. Sure, people try to correct me. But that’s because they don’t get the pun I’m trying to make about enjoying life in a pole barn. Honestly, it’s such a pet peeve – people correcting me. I’m allowed to correct them, but how dare they try to correct me.
It’s Okay to Be Weird
“I think everybody’s weird. We should all celebrate our individuality and not be embarrassed or ashamed of it.” –Johnny Depp
Be a freak of any kind. Your weirdness is what makes you an individual. When you show the world how unique you are, people should be willing to openly embrace you for you.
Weirdness is subjective. Different cultures, different generations, and different people will define “weird” differently.
When you are open about how weird you are (or how weirdly obsessive you are), it allows you to find people who complement you.
If I’m controlling, I need to find someone who likes to be controlled.
What makes you weird? Here are a few things to ponder:
- Your food combinations
- The way you phrase certain things
- The way that you dress
- The way that you plan (or don’t plan) for a trip
- What you choose to read
- Where you choose to spend a day off
You can tell a lot about someone by taking a peek in their garage. That’s how I’ve decided what neighbors I want to approach and what neighbors to stay away from. There are those who park their cars in there and have everything organized. There are those who park in the driveway or on the street and use their garages for storage. And there are those who sacrifice their garage to make it a man cave, complete with carpeting and a big-screen TV. You’re likely one of those three, at least in some capacity.
“Normal people are just freaks who are afraid to be themselves in public.” – Unknown
Personally, I like having my garage for my vehicles. Of course, thanks to Sherman Pole Buildings, I can have a secondary garage for storage.
For those freaks who have never thrown anything out in their entire lives and who have turned their garages into a high-stakes Jenga game, I salute you.
When you learn to celebrate what makes you weird (and unique), you’re able to focus on what truly matters in life and achieve happiness.
Hello Freaky People’s
So, you’re a freak. Welcome. All of the freaky people can enjoy themselves here in Sherman Country.
Let me tell you about a barndo. This is one of the best things that I have ever discovered, and freaks of all levels can truly enjoy them. They are barn in the USA, so it’s one of the great things about being an American.
First, let’s give a salute to the name. It’s like a condo, but it’s a pole barn. You can turn it into a home, a man cave, a storage facility, or anything else that you want. It provides you with the space that you need for all of your weird habits.
Second, it can be fully customized to meet your needs. Whether you want it strictly for storage or you want plumbing in there for a bathroom and a kitchen, Sherman can take care of you. This is key for a control freak like me. I wanted to call all the shots and dictate how every inch of the barndo was laid out. They were cool with this, which made it that much easier to proceed.
“Follow the crowd and you will never be followed by a crowd.” –Anonymous
Finally, your barndo can become a place where you bond with your fellow freaks. Go ahead and get a DnD game going. Grab your crochet needles. Find your favorite IPA. Whatever your hobby is, don’t let anyone say that it’s weird. Just find people who understand your weirdness and crave it just as much as you do.
When you work with us at Sherman, we understand that you may have a freaky side. We won’t ask for too many details. Our goal is simply to provide you with a space where you can explore your weirdness to its fullest. Flex your creativity. And if you’re a control freak, we’re happy to be told what to do. When you learn to celebrate what makes you weird (and unique), you’re able to focus on what truly matters in life and achieve happiness.