Mood rings may be one of the coolest things to have ever been invented. Think it’s just for hippies? For kids? Think again. For those of us who aren’t in touch with our feelings, we can simply look at the ring to tell us what we’re actually feeling. My mood ring says I feel turquoise about this day.
Life would be easier to navigate if everyone had a mood ring. We could just look at their ring before approaching them. Think about how much stress that could save you when you go to approach your boss…or your wife.
I bought my wife a mood ring. When she’s happy, it turns blue. When she’s not happy, it leaves a red mark on my forehead. Actually, I take that back. It absolutely does NOT leave a red mark on my forehead. My wife is always in a good mood. And I’m not saying that just because she’s standing behind me as I type.
I hate my mood swings. #They’re great!
My Alarm Clock Isn’t in a Good Mood
Being in a good mood isn’t always easy. I can tell you that my alarm clock certainly isn’t in a good mood. It just went off on me! And I was in the middle of a great dream, too.
Conan O’Brien had some great advice: “All I ask is one thing, and I’m asking this particularly of young people: please don’t be cynical. I hate cynicism, for the record, it’s my least favorite quality and it doesn’t lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.”
“Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but to delight in it when it comes.” ―Charles Dickens
If you’re in a bad mood, recognize it and fix it. That’s one of the reasons to wear a mood ring. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to find one that has a color focused on cynicism. That means it’s on you to fix that on your own. If you think everyone is motivated by self-interest, start to look for more positivity in the world.
Just look at us as an example. We’re not motivated by self-interest. We simply want everyone to have the kind of barn they’ve always wanted. If you’ve seen our billboards around town, we want everyone to have quality erections. It’s just one of the services we provide. You’re welcome, by the way.
Seek Out the Happiness
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” —Oscar Wilde
Happiness isn’t going to fall in your lap. You have to go out and find it. For us, it’s the wide open spaces of Sherman Country.
Though, it’s not always about location. It’s also about the friends you keep.
If you’re more excited about your friends leaving than arriving, it may be time to find new friends.
We usually judge our friendships based on what kind of toys they have. And the best toys are those that are kept in a shiny new pole barn.
Of course, we also use our mood rings to determine if our friends are keeping us in a good mood. The moment it turns yellow, we have to wonder what’s really going on. That means that we’re either sad or tense. Either way, that’s not the color we want to see when we have friends visiting. It probably means that it’s time to get new friends…or a new ring.
Aristotle Says…
Some of the best advice in life has come from Aristotle. He has provided this gem of wisdom: “Happiness depends upon ourselves.”
What does this mean? Well, it means that we can’t expect others to make us happy. If we want our mood ring to turn a happy color, it’s all on us.
“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” —Abraham Lincoln
Take a good look at your life. What things are you unhappy about? Perhaps you don’t have enough room in your garage, and things are just spilling out into your yard. Perhaps you don’t even have a garage and desperately wish that you did.
According to Aristotle, you have to look to yourself to take care of that issue.
That’s where we come in. We’re barn in the USA. And yes, we meant to do that.
Being barn in the USA is an important part of who we are. We believe in American craftsmanship. Our steel buildings are durable and have the capability of outlasting anything you’d buy overseas in some do-it-yourself kit. Plus, we can customize to meet all of your needs.
Customization is important when it comes to a garage. If you have two cars, three cars, or even a ton of different toys, size has to be taken into consideration.
It’s not just garages, though. It’s also any other kind of structure you may want, like a retirement barndo. If you really want to talk about happiness, you should see what kind of money we can save you on your retirement home rather than going with traditional houses in overpriced neighborhoods.
Friendship Isn’t a Big Thing
Paul Coelho once said, “Friendship isn’t a big thing – it’s a million little things.” And one of those little things you can do to show that you’re a friend is helping with the decision of buying a pole barn. If your friend is talking about a DIY garage, don’t let them do it. Show them the err of their ways by having them talk to us at Sherman Pole Buildings. We’ll set them straight in no time.
“If you want happiness for an hour—take a nap. If you want happiness for a day—go fishing. If you want happiness for a year—inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime—help someone else.” —Chinese Proverb
Friends don’t let friends buy poor-quality barndos. Particularly if you’re thinking of a retirement barndo, you want a building that you can rely on. Once you find the perfect plot of land, we’ll build the barndo to your specifications. That way, you can enjoy the retired life without wondering if the construction is going to last. We have over 40 years of quality craftsmanship to prove that we know what we’re talking about.
Whatever it is that you want, let us help. We promise that we’ll make you happy, and the best way to prove that is to wear your mood ring. It’ll be blue by the time our conversation is over!