The world’s on fire, and sometimes we mean that quite literally. Just look around. The headlines being splashed across every news outlet should be enough to terrify you to your very core.
That’s okay, though. The fire inside should burn even brighter, and every revolution begins with a spark.
Ferdinand Foch once wrote, “The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”
And think about it. If there’s ever going to be a part of you that’s on fire, it should be your soul. A soul on fire allows you to seek your heart’s desire and be enthusiastic to the utmost extreme.
If you have yet to have that feeling, you’re missing out. It likely means that you’re on the wrong career path, too. Don’t worry, though. You have time to correct your path and let your soul defy the confines of your life.
Check out this new and great band – The Woods
The world’s on fire, and sometimes we mean that quite literally. Just look around. The headlines being splashed across every news outlet should be enough to terrify you to your very core.
That’s okay, though. The fire inside should burn even brighter, and every revolution begins with a spark.
Ferdinand Foch once wrote, “The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”
And think about it. If there’s ever going to be a part of you that’s on fire, it should be your soul. A soul on fire allows you to seek your heart’s desire and be enthusiastic to the utmost extreme.
Lighting a fire under someone, will never be as affective as lighting a fire within someone.
If you have yet to have that feeling, you’re missing out. It likely means that you’re on the wrong career path, too. Don’t worry, though. You have time to correct your path and let your soul defy the confines of your life.
Find Your Fire
When you have a fire burning deep within your soul, it can help you to stay focused and enjoy life to the very fullest. And passion tends to be contagious. The moment you are passionate about something, people will want to be around you. They’ll want to be a part of what it is that you’re creating.
We’ve seen passion express itself in all sorts of creative ways throughout Sherman Country.
Those in Texas may be practicing for a rodeo.
Those in Minnesota may be working on hunting on new lands.
And those in Northeast Kansas may be perfecting their whiskey or smoking their brisket.
So, how do you find your fire?
Finding a passion comes differently for everyone. Often, it’s about exploring the world and finding out what speaks to you. Read, travel, and talk to strangers. All it takes is one spark of interest to start creating the flames.
If you already love something that you do, figure out how to turn it into something bigger and brighter.
Sometimes, you have to dig deep. Uncover your values and even do a bit of brainstorming. Sit in a quiet room and meditate. Eventually, something will come to you.
We’re here for it all. We’ll help you once you find your fire.
There’s just one tip that we have as you search for what will really spark things: Don’t start a fire you can’t quench. What do we mean by that? Be realistic about your goals. Make sure that your fire is capable of being fed, but don’t let it get out of control, either.
Passion is one thing. Insanity is quite different. Be sure that you know the difference, or you could find yourself in serious trouble.
Don’t Let Your Fire Burn on the Outside
Your internal fire should be the one burning. Let your soul burn with enthusiasm. If you start to smell smoke, you’re in trouble – unless, you know, you’re roasting marshmallows or something.
Passion starts with an idea. Then, it turns into action. And it’s important to stay burning so that you can move forward. If your fire burns out, you lose everything – including that ever-important spark.
And if your fire burns on the outside, you could also lose everything. Only this time, quite literally.
On a side note, you should probably make sure that the vessel holding your fire is capable of really holding onto it. If you’re in a wooden shed, you’ll find yourself in serious trouble.
A pole barn is a steel building that can withstand the flames. It will ensure that you’re protected for a bit. At least until the fire department shows up. Luckily for you, Sherman Pole Buildings offers the very best, and now we offer them in Effingham, KS, too.
Seriously, though, if you’re going to let your passion burn forever without it burning up your life, there are a few tips to follow:
– Connect with others so that you can network and gain perspective
– Ensure you’re doing what you love
– Allow others into your circle so that they can share your passion
– Take a break when life gets too overwhelming
This way, you can burn bright on the inside without burning up the world around you.
And if you find that the world around you is in flames without you doing anything to add fuel to the fire, it might be time to pause. See what you can do to escape the heat. Take a break. Wait for things to improve. Or, simply take a deep breath and forge on.
As long as you stay passionate about what it is that you’re doing in life, you’ll be happier for it.
We’ll Stop The World to Melt with You
When you’re on fire, we want to be a part of your passion. We want to feed your soul what it needs to keep the fire burning bright. Often, that’s simply providing you with a well-built structure so that you have a place to do what you do.
If you haven’t heard, quality erections make everything better. And there’s no better quality than a Sherman erection. We’ve got more (cubic) inches to impress you with, and it’s growing every single day.
We are a custom builder to ensure you get exactly what you need in terms of size and layout. We offer packages if you want it all done as well as options for the do-it-yourselfers.
If you want to go up in flames with us, we’re here. They say that you should set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
We know what it’s like to be passionate about life and about space. It’s why we’ve started expanding our pole barn offerings. Sherman Country is growing, and if you find yourself in Northeast Kansas and in need of quality erections, check us out. With our location in Effingham, we’re prepared to help you with a pole barn for any need, whether it’s a home, an ag building, or simply a fancy toy shed.