Purchasing a pole barn is an attractive option for many when it comes to building a structure on their property. Whether you are looking for a place to store farm equipment, vehicles, or supplies, investing in a high-quality pole barn erection can be one of the smartest decisions you make.

Pole buildings are known for being easy to construct and much more affordable than other types of construction. Plus, modern pole barns come with customizable features and design options so that you can create the exact look and feel that best fits your needs. When it comes to buying a quality pole shed people will often consider factors such as price, durability, insulation levels and customer service offered by the company selling the product.

Buying a pole barn can be a great investment for any homeowner. It is important to do your research and carefully consider the options before committing to a purchase.


Pole Shed

What is a Pole Barn

Pole barns have become increasingly popular for their ease of construction, affordability, and to provide additional storage space on your property. Also known as a pole building, or pole shed, these types of buildings are constructed from sturdy timbers that are set into the ground to provide support – making them more durable than traditional stick-built structures. Not only is the erection process much faster and less expensive, but they also come with some serious quality benefits you may not know about.

These robust buildings feature a number of advantages including energy efficiency, strength in windy conditions, and resistance to pests like termites. With minimal foundation requirements and no need for complex concrete foundations or footings, pole barns require less labor and cost much less to construct than traditional wood or steel frame structures. Plus they often look better than other outdoor storage options such as sheds or garages. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to construct, but there are some things you should consider before buying one.


Benefits of Buying a Pole Barn

Pole barns are an increasingly popular choice for a variety of purposes in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kansas and Texas. Constructed from poles that are anchored deep into the ground, pole barns offer a multitude of benefits to their owners. At Sherman Buildings we also recommend buildings erected on top of the cement slab, a building process we call “stud and steel.”

One major benefit is the cost savings associated with buying a pole barn rather than a traditional framed structure. Pole barns require fewer materials and less labor to build, making them more affordable compared to other structures. Additionally, their simple design makes them relatively easy to construct on your own with minimal DIY knowledge and tools.

Durability is also one reason why many people choose pole barns over traditional buildings. The posts used in construction provide superior strength against inclement weather like heavy winds or snowfall common in these states.


Building with skylights

Considerations Before Buying

When it comes to building a storage or work area for your property, pole barns offer an efficient and affordable solution. Building a pole barn requires careful consideration to ensure it meets all of your needs and fits into the budget. Here are some key considerations before you decide to purchase a pole barn.

First, you’ll want to factor in the size and shape of the space you need. It’s important to determine what size of structure will best meet your needs and if any additional features such as windows or doors need to be included. The cost will vary depending on the size, materials used and complexity involved in assembling the structure.

Second, make sure that you have investigated all local building codes, zoning regulations, and restrictions before making a purchase decision. You should also consider if your proposed project requires permits or special approvals from local authorities before going ahead with construction. Your sales representative at Sherman Buildings is an expert in these regards and will be able to provide valuable insight.


Designing Your Pole Barn

Welcome to the world of custom pole building design! Our talented representatives are here to help make your dreams a reality. We understand that everyone has different needs when it comes to their building and we’re ready to work with you and guide you through all of the considerations. From simple modifications like adding extra windows, to completely customizing the look of your pole building, our team will help you design the building best fit for you.

The Sherman Buildings team has built and expertise and is passionate about creating unique designs that meet our customers’ needs. We believe in combining creativity and practicality so that our clients get the best of both worlds. With us, you won’t just get a standard building — instead, you’ll get one that reflects your personality and style.


Pole Shed Storage

Selecting the Right Contractor

Selecting the right contractor for your pole building project is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. Before signing a contract, it’s essential to ensure you have chosen the right professionals with the appropriate level of experience and expertise.

The following steps will help guide you through this process:

  • First, research potential contractors online to narrow down your list of options. You’ll want to compare reviews and ask for references so you can gain insight into their past projects and customer service.
  • Second, contact each contractor directly and ask questions about their experience in building pole barns specifically.
  • Be sure to inquire about any applicable licenses or certifications they may have obtained in order to legally work on such projects.
  • Finally, schedule an appointment or a call with each contractor so that you can discuss all of the details.


Conclusion: Evaluating Your Decision

Making the decision to build a pole barn in Sherman County is a big one, and choosing the right contractor can be overwhelming. Finding an experienced, reliable contractor who you are also happy with should always be your top priority when making this decision.

To evaluate whether or not you chose the best pole barn contractor for your project, ask yourself these questions: Did they complete the work on time? Was their work of good quality? Did they keep within budget? Most importantly, was I genuinely happy with the results of their work? If you answered “yes” to all these questions then congratulations! You have chosen a great contractor that has left you feeling satisfied and content.


Sherman Pole Building