Over Forty Years of Expert Craftsmanship


Sherman Lumber, with superior quality materials are low maintenance, durable and pest resistant.  Your building, with our materials, is an ideal solution whether your clients are building an aircraft, maintaining one or just sheltering it from the elements.

Whether it be a small twin piston plane, the restoration of an antique plane or a corporate jet, our materials can give you the span and door options to fit your requirements. We offer a wide range of choices of all aspects of the building so that once it’s completed it will be perfectly suited to your specific uses. And if they’d like to have some cattle in their hangar for authenticity’s sake, who are we to question that?


The word “hangar” entered common usage when someone crashed an aircraft into a French farmer’s field then rolled the plane into the cattle pen for repairs.  Hangar being French for “cattle pen.” Nowadays, your clients don’t have to store their aircraft in their cattle pen.  With our materials and expertise you can build a hangar to store your clients aircraft at a pretty decent price.

Aircraft Hangars

airplane hangar
airplane hangar

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