It’s not every day that an Irishman walks out of a bar. Typically, they walk in, stay a while, and end up being carried out by some of their best mates.
We love the Irish, though. They’re renowned for their quick wit and clever wordplay. You can always depend on an Irishman to know just what to say, no matter what the situation may be.
After all, they say “arseways” if something is done wrong. And if they’re tired, they say they’re knackered. As they drink, they might be harder to understand, but some of the words they begin to say are hysterical. Including being “pissed,” which has nothing to do with bathroom habits or being angry and everything to do with being drunk.
My friends are always teasing me because they think I have an imaginary girlfriend. Well, the jokes on them, because they’re imaginary too.
Not to brag, but we’re known for our clever wordplay, too. After all, it’s not everywhere that boasts quality erections. We’re talking about a barndo, of course. And while we may never retire in Ireland, we may end up retiring in a retirement barndo. A nice little place on the water where we can fish and hunt in peace sounds divine.
How Does Every Irish Joke Start?
The joke starts by looking over your shoulder. That lets you know who’s around so you know whether you can joke about a particular person. Otherwise, you could end up getting clocked upside the head before you’ve even made it to the punch line.
That reminds me of the joke that I recently heard. What’s Irish and sits outside all day and night? Paddy O’ Furniture.
The Irish are always laughing. We can’t figure out if it’s because of all the whiskey they drink or if they’re just naturally funny people. It’s likely a combination of the two.
Why did the Irishman only put 239 beans in his soup? Because one more bean would be too farty!
“That’s the Irish all over – they treat a joke as a serious thing and a serious thing as a joke.” -Seán O’Casey
Of course, these jokes are a lot funnier if you can manage a thick Irish brogue when you tell them. That’s where I fall short, but I don’t let it stop me from telling them.
I’ll tell you what’s not funny, though – shotty construction. It’s why it’s always important to hire the right people for your construction project. At Sherman Pole Buildings, we love to tell our jokes, but we take things like the construction of a toy barndo seriously. And it’s even more serious if it’s a cabin barndo because there are more components to it.
Irish You Were Beer…
Some people think wishing upon a star will get the job done. I’ve got too much Irish in my blood for that kind of thing. I’d rather wish upon a beer. After enough of them, I can usually at least imagine that my dreams have come true.
That’s the thing about luck. Most people either have it or they don’t. There’s no way to change it.
And you know what they say about never ironing a four-leaf clover, don’t you? You don’t want to press your luck.
That’s how we feel about construction, too. Sure, there are plenty of DIY projects out there. However, one good gust of wind and it could all fall down. We don’t want to put a barndo to luck. Once it’s built, we want to rely on its craftsmanship.
You never want to leave anything important to luck.
I kidnapped a blacksmith yesterday but the second i turned my back he made a bolt for the door.
Let’s say you finally bought a fancy tractor or a sporty convertible. You need some place sturdy to park it. A makeshift garage is risky. All it would take is one storm to damage the garage as well as your expensive machinery.
If you’re lucky, nothing will happen. If you’re not lucky, you could be out a lot of money.
You never have to bank on luck with us because we have over 40 years of quality craftsmanship. When we build you a toy barndo, a retirement barndo, or any other steel building, you know it’s going to keep standing year after year, storm after storm.
Take a Hint
The barman says to Paddy, “Your glass is empty, fancy another one?” Looking puzzled, Paddy says, “Why would I be needing two empty feckin’ glasses?”
Clearly, he wasn’t going to get two empty feckin’ glasses, and yet that’s what he assumed. He couldn’t pick up on the hint. And that meant that the barman probably had to explain that he was trying to fill the glass with another beer. That, or he missed out on getting another beer because he couldn’t take the hint.
There’s nothing worse than being unable to read the room or pick up on casual clues that are being dropped.
In case you haven’t realized yet, we’re trying to sell you a barndo. We don’t care what you do with it. Use it as a garage for your tractors, or have it turned into a cabin barndo so you have a place to get away from the stress of life in Sherman Country.
We thought we’d spell it out so that you don’t miss what we’re trying to do here. We don’t want you to rely on luck that everything will work out on its own. Your toys, cars, and other equipment could get damaged if you leave them outside all the time. Plucking four-leaf clovers and wishing upon stars won’t change any of that.
You’re also taking a huge risk if you buy a DIY kit. We’re not saying the DIY kits are crap (okay, well, that’s actually what we’re saying), but they’re not going to be as good as our quality erections.
There are a lot of people around Sherman Country who have been admiring our quality erections from afar. Then, they made the call and got their own quality erection and have been thrilled with them.
You could even turn one into a bar. We could use another bar around here. Maybe one that serves whiskey and has a piano and…
This might not be Dublin but we can pretend like it is. Grab a whiskey or a beer, rehearse your favorite Irish joke, and give us a call so we can talk about your pole barn needs.